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Shahebaz Wandrick

Brief Biography

I hold Bachelor degree in Automobile engineering from Mumbai, India and Master degree in Automotive engineering from Coventry, UK.
Presently working as Technical Teacher with MOE, Bahrain.
My experience in technical teaching is for more then 5 years and have a good experience in teaching mechanical subject from Mechanics, Engineering drawing and design related subject at university level.


  • India


  • English

  • Hindi


Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Mechanics of Materials - MENG 371 BHD 20 / Hr
Fluid Mechanics - MENG 334 BHD 20 / Hr
Design of Mechanical Systems - MENG 475 BHD 20 / Hr
Design of Mechanical Elements - MENG 375 BHD 20 / Hr
Computer Applications in Mechanical Engineering - MENG 380 BHD 20 / Hr
Engineering Engineering
Mechanical Engineering BHD 20 / Hr
Civil Engineering Civil Engineering
Soil Mechanics - CENG 341 BHD 20 / Hr
Mechanics of Materials - CENG 212 BHD 20 / Hr
Fluid Mechanics - CENG 231 BHD 20 / Hr
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering
Fluid Mechanics - CHENG 214 BHD 20 / Hr