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Dr. Julius B. Bertillo (Guru Julius)

Brief Biography

I began my study of Mongoose Martial Arts and Modern Arnis since 1978. I completed the advance course in defensive and arresting tactics prescribe for military pursuant with the principles of hand to hand combat fighting intended primarily for law enforcers in 1985. I have& studied and learned by means of the traditional master and done substantial graduate work in martial arts theory and practice.

I have formed a Martial Arts Club and taught Mongoose and Modern A.

I specialize in the use of weapons, particularly in stick weapons and short bladed weapons. This martial art not only teaches the usage of those weapons, but also the art of disarming these weapons from an opponent. I also specialize in bare hand combat particularly locking techniques, counter-lock techniques, lock-releasing techniques and arresting techniques for law enforcement. The art also specializes in striking techniques using different points of attack.


  • Philippines


  • Filipino

  • English


Physical Education/Sports Physical Education/Sports
Martial Arts BHD 12 / Hr
Martial Arts Martial Arts
Alamid Mongoose Martial Arts BHD 12 / Hr
Aikido (Japanese Self Defense) BHD 12 / Hr
Self Defense BHD 12 / Hr
Taekwondo BHD 12 / Hr
Muay Thai BHD 12 / Hr
Judo BHD 12 / Hr
Karate BHD 12 / Hr
K-1 BHD 12 / Hr